(831) 402-4193
Residential and commercial electrical contractor serving Monterey, Seaside, Pacific Grove, Carmel and the surrounding cities.
Surge Protection In Monterey, Seaside, and Pacific Grove!
The Basics Of Surge Protection
The electricity in Monterey, Seaside, Pacific Grove, and Carmel typically runs on a 120/240 volt system, which means there are two 120 volt legs that combine to provide 240 volts. Most appliances, tools, and electronics for residential and commercial use are designed for these voltages. For example, a high-end television is typically rated at 120 volts, while an oven is rated at 240 volts. When a device is exposed to voltages higher than these ratings, it can fail or damage the electronics.
A surge occurs when the voltage exceeds the normal level. Excessive electrical pressure can cause the voltage on a 120 volt circuit to climb to 240 volts, leading to damage to devices like televisions, refrigerators, and computers.
To protect appliances and electronics from surges, there are several solutions which can be combined to provide a layered approach. This is important because surges can come not only from the electricity provider but also from appliance failures like those in air conditioners or dryers.